Monday, April 2, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is widely known as one of the hardest thing that needs to be done in this life. I just said hello for the first time and now, so soon, it's time for the goodbyes. The children don't really understand the concept; I'm here, I'm a teacher, I'm part of their lives and they have seen me every day for 3 months.. of course I'll be back after semana santa (holy week/Easter break.) Unfortunately, Europe is kicking me out promptly at the 90 day mark. So I have been spending as much time encouraging them, laughing with them, hugging and squeezing them as I can. This week is my last week, only one Monday, one Tuesday and one Wednesday left.

Sandra, Me & Our Class

As of now, everything has become routine and normal, but I know I will miss every little thing that I have come to take for granted... breathing the fresh air from the pinos, walking everywhere, seeing my students in the street every day, eating lunch with all the awesome teachers, munching on dirt cheap fresh bread, learning something new every day...

Some of my students have already begun to plan my return (I have 30 little travel agents.) According to them, I will come back next summer so we can go swimming (remember that big pool I mentioned earlier?) and of course I must bring Sean (they have recorded several videos and written several messages to him.) Then, of course, they are planning a big trip to Florida so they can see the alligators (strange cocodrilos that live there) and manatees. The older students have followed me around for the past week asking, "Tienes Tuenti, o Facebook?" and "Can I have your phone number please?"

Carnaval con Infantil

I will be lucky if I ever find a boss like this again

Every student in my 1st and 2nd grade class gives me a hug and kiss whenever they run into me now. Some of my 5th grade students showed up at my house last week with a poster and a bag of candy to tell me how much they will miss me. A 6th grade girl drew me a picture and wrote, "Don't forget us, we won't forget you." The Infantil classes are drawing pictures of me in an airplane and draw the sun with sunglasses just like I showed them. There is even a rumor of a special choreographed dance that will be performed for me before I leave.. It's taking a lot to not burst out into tears at any given moment.

Navaleno is small and cold, and many Spaniards laugh when I tell them it's my home, but the people and experiences I have had here make this place warmer than Florida has ever been.

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